Sunday, July 16, 2023

Accessablity of Digital mode in the libraries of Kolkata, India

We do visit library from school days, Shool  or locallibrary may be the first library  in our life.

During college days we join  library of foreign country at your city. American library is a popular library they have regular cultural activities including video show. I have the first experience of viewing UHS in this library. There was no fee for the Membership. Now they have regular subscription for the members, they have computer and internet service. I had the chance to visit their New Delhi library. they have space constraint for sitting arrangement for the members, The British Council Library also provide computer and internet to their members,

Our National Library also provide computer and internet to the members.

The State Central Library at Kolkata was having Computers and internet which is not available now a days. 

The New Town Library is now functional in two floors in three different spaces. They provide computers and internet for the members. Out of 17 Computers 6 are not working may be more than 2 months.
The use of the computers are using may be all the days and all the times of the library hours. No change of the position even after reporting the issue to the authority. 

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