Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year celebration in the past and now.

I had the opportunity to join the NCC Camp at Elenbora Ground of Fort William, Kolkata, this was a selection camp for Republic day Camp of New Delhi. In this camp, the cadets are selected. The result was out on the 1st January of 1970. We could hear the blowing sound of ships anchored in the Ganges. at the midnight of New Year day. 

English calendar's New year celebration was not popular before 1973 in West Bengal. I had my first experience at my Army Unit location, we were located in Shimla Hills. We could watch from certain points, including from the living room of snowy peaks towards the North. The street lights of Chandigarh if the weather is clear, we had to look towards the south. 

No Television transmission started at our location. We had a long-playing record player to enjoy the music. The married family accommodation was available, we were five dining bachelors members in our Officers Mess.

A Jazz Group was raised by the artists who are soldiers, they are very talented. The Commanding Officer was very fond of western dance. For any entertainment, you have to go to Chandigarh or Ambala. 

Dagshai Google Map

This Jazz Band was popular in no time. We moved to another hill station which is also on Himachal  Pradesh, being a district headquarter theater halls were there. The social get-togethers was in a regular manner.

After receiving to Kolkata, I joined Ter retrial Army Institute, We had the New year eve program for a few years.

Sending New Year card for renewal of contacts, I started from 1974, those were Academy and Regimental cards. Lately, I have also used a computer to prepare this card.

I could speak to , Hedwige Smekens, a lady from Belgian, recently she has visited her son's place in Switzerland. We had a talk about the cost of living in India and other places. She has visited several times to in India and appreciates the artwork of temples of the south.

Echolink is software for amateur wireless operators, on New Year eve, 31st December 2021 during the evening time.  I could speak to VU2CUW India flag India

Sarabjeet "Sarab" Chhabra, 110/8 Saraswati Sugarmill Colony,Yamunanagar, HR 135001

I could hear very clearly and Sarabjeet gave me the report of my voice at his location was 5/9, 

A housing complex in New Town was ready for welcoming the New Year by the residents. 

The Covid 19, during last 24 hrs. 

In India 16764and West Bengal 3451

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