Monday, September 11, 2023

West Bengal Mountaineers & Trekkers Confederation

It was 1980, the Himayan Mountaineering I stitute, Darjeeling was celebrating their Silver Jubliee celebration. Late Mrs Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India was the Chairman of this I stitute.

Mrs Gandhi in her speech mentioned the Gujrat mountaineering activities. 
The Mountaineers of West Bengal who were participating this event were feeling bad.

Mountain Lovers Association (MLA) of Assansol organised the 1st Mountain eers and Trekkers Meet at Jaichandi Hills of Purulia in 1980. It was decided to form an body for cooperate each other to foster adventure in the State of West Bengal.. 

The 1st meeting was held at NCC Club House with the cooperation of The Institute of Exploration (IOE).
Then after series of meetings were held Food Corporation of India. Rangers Club and Rovers Den of Bharat Scouts & Guides (West Bengal). (BSG WB). The next meet in 1982 was arranged at BSGWB  Camp site at Ganga Nagar. near Kolkata Airport with support of BSG WB Rover Unite. It is difficult to forget their contribution. 
For promoting adventure. Seven days program was held at Territorial Army Institute now it is Territorial Army Officers Institute (TAOI). The program was suported by the Dept of Youth Affairs and Field Exhibition of Government of India. 
The display board was loaded in truck and unloaded at TAOI. Indranath who had lost his fingers of hand was opening the packing materials with his amputed hands. I could not imagine even after 40 years what spirit he is having for the adventure 

Late Subimal De, a senior mountaineer of Parbat Avhiyatri and Late Pranesh Chakraborty of Mountain Lovers Association were energetic to form the WBM&TC. 

Mr Prabhat Ganguly, a senior mountaineer and very energetic about WBM&TC has expressed his happiness on celebrating 40th years of WBM&TC.