Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Remembering the first reporting to an Army unit.

Remembering the first day at my unit. After passing out from Officers Training School (now Academy). I was Commissioned in the Regiment of Artillery. I joined Young Officer Course at School of Artillery, Deolali, Maharastra. It was 5 months duration and I was posted to a Field Artillery Unit. It was located at altitude of North Sikkim. The School issued Railway warrant to move New Jalpaiguri.I received a Demi Official letter from the Adjutant, I was advised to get down at Dharampur of Kalka to Simla railway line. After the training at School of Artillery, I spent few days at New Delhi with my uncle's family. 

I got down at Dharampur RS. on 31st October 1974. I contacted unit HQ over phone. After some time one 1ton vehicle with one solider reached. He introduced himself as my helper. He was then Capt Ravindra Kumar. ( Later he was Col).
A tent was pitched in the open space of Officers' Mess 


In 60 and 70, the Sunday morning towards Brigade parade ground of Kolkata was full of NCC and Territorial Army cadets and personnel. The Brigade parade ground is still there but no NCC and TA  activities. 

I, do visit this area regularly but no sign of such activities. More activitied in the NCC Club house is in a regular manner but it can not give the feeling of Brigade ground. Now this ground is used for political rally under the vigilance of Kolkata police. The NCC Act was passed on 1948, the NCC Day is celebrated on 4th Sunday of November. Now the program is celebrated at Eastern Command stadium.