Saturday, March 12, 2022

Awareness generating programs on surface water

Institute’s representative was invited to take part in the various programme, two of them are: a) French Expertise in an Indian context for urban and industrial environment, this was held at Kolkata in March 2003, b) Consultation on National Water Policy: Problems and alternatives at Indian Social Institute, New Delhi, April 2003. Environment awareness programmes On their initiative, an audiovisual on Rain Water harvesting of Purulia was prepared in Bengali language, this was included second National level film festival on wildlife and environment held in New Delhi. The new threats by global warming and its subsequent effects is definitely a major concern for all of us; their representatives took part in two expeditions on river Ganga, starting from Maharajpur, (Jharkhand) to Behrampure (West Bengal), covering a distance of 190 km in just five days. In the next year another venture from Behrampure to Kolkata, a distance of 300 km. This time by rafts, both these expeditions were organized by The Institute of Exploration Regional unit Behrampure. 96 Route of Ganga expeditions in 1995 & 1996 · An exhibition on Ganga was organized at State Central Library for mass awareness, it was a five days programme in which the subject was presented by visuals, prints, audiovisuals and performing arts. Such awareness programme was organized in various districts of South Bengal, this was mainly in educational institutes, museums, and libraries · A special tram was used for awareness generating among the citizens of Kolkata, the teachers, students and parents took part in this programme. They spread the message ‘peoples participation to protect the environment’. · Institute published a Bengali monthly, titled ‘Youth Forum’; it is mainly to promote volunteerism among the civil society. · Students of West Bengal Judicial Science, Vidyasagar University & Viswabhrati took part with this Institute for their practical works.

Selfie at Vijay Smark Kolkata

The Vijya Smark located at Eastern Gate of Fort William Kolkata the details of Indian soliders in operations of 1962, 1965 and 1971 are there.